Press release – End of project
The FDP Association – Protagonists in Education ran the “IMPACT Ludești” project between January 2022 and December 2023, financed by the EEA and Norwegian Grants 2014-2020, through the “Local Development Program, reducing poverty and increasing the inclusion of Roma”, implemented by the Romanian Fund for Social Development – FRDS, as Program Operator.
The project is implemented by the FDP Association – Protagonists in education in partnership with Ludești City Hall, Dâmbovița county and in collaboration with Potocelu Primary School, Telești – Ludești Secondary School and Scheiu de Sus Primary School.
The “IMPACT Ludesti” project aimed to promote social inclusion and combat poverty in Ludesti commune, through the implementation of integrated measures of education, health, professional training, counseling and support for employment. Special attention was given to Roma children and young people, especially Roma girls. The project sought to create a solid local partnership between teachers, parents, students, public institutions and the community.
Impact of the project:
- Informing and sensitizing more than 36,500 people from Ludești commune.
- Educational support for 243 children through non-formal education, learning through play and movement, and preparation for the national assessment exam.
- Information and counseling for 382 people, including 250 Roma, to overcome difficult situations and social integration.
- Professional qualification of 135 people in jobs such as Cook’s Helper and Hairdresser, Hairdresser, Manicurist, Pedicurist.
- Professional development of 15 teachers in digital skills.
- Involvement of 25 young Roma people in empowerment and civic activation sessions.
- Support for 15 local experts in advocacy, anti-discrimination and labor market techniques.
Successful event: Craftsmen’s fair where 12 children from Bucharest joined the children from Ludești to promote local traditions, a healthy lifestyle and team spirit.
The IMPACT Ludești project had a significant impact in the Ludești commune, contributing to raising awareness of the importance of education, combating poverty and promoting social inclusion.
About the Romanian Social Development Fund
The Romanian Social Development Fund is a public interest body established by the Government of Romania by Law no. 129/1998 which contributed to the administration of grant schemes and programs with non-reimbursable international funding addressed to poor and isolated communities, mostly from rural areas, and participated in the effective implementation of projects of national, sectoral and local interest.
The main areas targeted by FRDS activity: social inclusion (with an emphasis on Roma communities), socio-economic development, equal opportunities, combating poverty, community development, education.
In the period 2013-2017, FRDS administered the RO10 Program Children and youth at risk and local and regional initiatives to reduce national inequalities and promote social inclusion, financed by the EEA Grants 2009-2014.
Starting from 2018, FRDS is the Program Operator for the Local Development Program, poverty reduction and increasing the inclusion of Roma, financed by EEA and Norwegian Grants 2014-2021.
For more details on the activity of the FRDS, the EEA and Norwegian Grants and the National Contact Point, we invite you to access the addresses: (,,
About the FDP Association – Protagonists in education
The FDP-Protagonists in education association was established 28 years ago, with the mission of promoting the human dignity of the most disadvantaged people in our communities, starting from the experience of each of them and involving them as true protagonists of their own lives. In the FDP vision, each person can capitalize on the talents with which they have been endowed.
FDP intervenes in an integrated way at the community level with three major objectives: preventing school dropout for children from vulnerable backgrounds, reducing the risk of social exclusion for children/young people/families from disadvantaged backgrounds and maintaining the international cooperation activity and transfer of know-how (